Serves 4
400 g of anchovies
2 tbsp. BIO PLANÈTE Coconut Oil
3-4 tbsp. curry powder
200g green beans
2 small yellow zucchini
150 grams of bamboo shoots
1 yellow peppers
1-2 cloves of garlic
5o ml of unsweetened coconut milk
Salt, pepper, little sugar
2-3 chilies
Wash anchovies and pat dry. Heat Coconut Oil in a (wok) pan and fry the fish with. Put curry powder and salt, cook with a little bit coconut milk, and simmer for 10 minutes. Wash green beans, peppers, bamboo shoots, and halved zucchini slices with pressed garlic. Add the spices and let it pass for 5 minutes on a small flame. Decorate with small chili pieces and remaining curry powder.

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